1. Report -

    This report displays our research into the access to mental health services for homeless people in Manchester. It includes the result of outreach done with homeless people and an analysis of the current NHS provision.
  2. Report -

    Using a walkthrough, this report provides a comparison between the three A&E departments in Manchester for people with urgent mental health needs.
  3. Report -

    We recently conducted an Enter and View visit to the 136 Suite at North Manchester General Hospital, a specialist mental health service run by the Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Trust (GMMH).
  4. Report -

    We are delighted to be releasing a new report looking into the experiences of people who have accessed Children and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) in Manchester
  5. Report -

    The transition from Child & Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) into Adult Mental Health Services (AMHS) can be a challenging process for many young people - read our latest report to find out more
  6. Report -

    We conducted a 'mystery shopper' exercise after members of the public informed us of communication issues at McCartney House. We found their response to be 'prompt and professional'.
  7. Report -

    Our report, 'Small changes, Big difference', looks into the experiences of people living in supported accommodation who access mental health and floating support services.
  8. Report -

    Healthwatch Manchester have spent time over the last four months talking with members of Manchester's student population about their experience and understanding of Mental Health Support Services available to them in the city.