How to look after your wellbeing during the coronavirus pandemic

Everyone is under a lot of stress right now and you might be finding that social distancing and isolation measures are making difficult to feel safe and well.
A woman outside a hospital

Everyone is under a lot of stress right now and you might be finding that social distancing and isolation measures are making difficult to feel safe and well. That’s perfectly ok, anxiety is a part of all of our lives, but that doesn’t mean there’s nothing you can do about it.

There are a variety of resources that can help you manage some of your worries during this pandemic. It is very important to look after your wellbeing especially in times of uncertainty.

How can I make the most of social isolation?

The NHS has provided a few steps on how to manage your wellbeing while staying at home. The website has all of the relevant information and guidance to direct you to the appropriate services/ support.

The 12 steps to manage your wellbeing in social isolation include:

  1. Find out about your employment and benefits rights
  2. Plan practical things
  3. Connect with others
  4. Talk about your worries
  5. Look after your body
  6. Stay on top of difficult feelings
  7. Do not stay glued to the news
  8. Carry on doing things you enjoy
  9. Take time to relax
  10. Create a daily routine#
  11. Look after your sleep
  12. Keep your mind active

What can I do if I am worried about my mental health?

There are a variety of different resources that you can use if you are worried about your mental health:

How will education be affected?

If you are a student you should look at the schools official statement which explains how they are planning to proceed with your education. Many schools have switched to online teaching and other digital resources.

Why not try a random act of kindness during the Coronavirus outbreak?

The Mental Health Foundation has produced a long list of different random acts of kindness that could help you feel more connected during these uncertain times. The suggestions range from sending someone you know a picture of a cute animal to offering to teach a friend a new dance over video call! They are very easy to do and will also help you deal with boredom in social isolation!

Thank you to Youthwatch Manchester member Teresa for putting together this information.